February 29, 2012
Grantland on the Big 5
Saying this is probably my favorite read on Grantland since it started says more about how weak I’ve found the site. This is a solid overview of the Big 5 with plenty of Drexel teasing.
Pirates #34
The Pirates traded for AJ Burnett, but they already had a #34. A pretty good #34. Andrew McCutchen had that number. What did he ask in exchange for the number? A college fund for his daughter, who isn’t due for a few months. Maybe not as exciting as Kruk and Mitch, but very cool. (Kruk told the story on Letterman, I couldn’t find the video.)
NBA Ratings
Kind of surprising NBA ratings are up after the lockout. My only guess is that people like the games more often. The Sixers are playing well and are 4th in the league for both percent and actual increase in viewers.
Big League Chew
I found a blog all about candy because of this post and it is one in-depth piece of work. Working at a baseball field as a teenager and having snack bar privileges meant a lot of Big League Chew for me. I can’t think of a better design. You could decide exactly how much gum you were in the mood for. During those boring days at work, that amount was an entire bag. After those days, we’d take a little break from the BLC, a whole bag at once is a lot of sugar. Takes a while for that to work itself out.
Finally, good bye Dr. Saturday. Ok, not entirely. Dr. Saturday is a Yahoo blog, Matt Hinton left and he’s all I’ve known of Dr. Saturday. I’m sure the new blogger will be alright, but I’ll be on the lookout for where Matt winds up next.
March 13, 2016
February 20, 2016