November 12, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 35:11
Special Guest: Matt
Evan is chased by UF Security
Ruling: Girls Wearing Revealing Clothing
Possible phone face-off solution
Matt on The Janke Chronicles
College Football
Future Shows and Rambling
November 8, 2006
That was the fortune in my Fortune Cookie today. I’ve never heard any superstitions about fortune cookies but people must have some. If they don’t, they should. Here are some possible superstitions you could have about your fortune.
1. You must finish your meal before opening the Fortune Cookie.
Here you would have to define what finishing actually is. Its Chinese food so finished would have to be for that particular meal. There are always leftovers.
2. You cannot share your fortune.
Is it like a birthday wish? If you share it won’t come true. It seems like fortunes are always shared and discussed. Its the most enjoyable part of the Fortune Cookie.
3. You must eat the entire Fortune Cookie. Except of course for the fortune.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten the cookie. However, I think this is the most logical superstition of the bunch.
For today I finished my food, by writing this I’m sharing, and I did not eat the cookie. I still hope that I will soon be involved in many gatherings and parties.
November 6, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 38:48
Election Eve
Celebrity Lookalike Site
Public Restrooms
Pegasus Wind
College Football
Three Team Football
Evan Must See Borat
November 4, 2006
Its that time of year, the decorative holiday towels have been un-boxed and a series of them will be rotating through the kitchen and bathrooms here at home. Out of all the decorations that come throughout the year these easily reach the Top 3 along with bells attached to doors and anything that plays music when motion is detected.
It starts around here with Halloween. You have your towels with ghosts, monsters, pumpkins, all sorts of spooky things. Then it moves right on to Thanksgiving: Turkeys, Pilgrims, perhaps some corn or falling leaves. Then things just get out of hand with Christmas. Santa and his reindeer, Frosty and his frozen friends, snow, snow, and more snow.
I understand the idea of going all out in decorating for the holidays. I was conditioned from birth that for the holidays the house is to be transformed into something completely unrecognizable from what you are used to. I would accept the towels as part of this package but something goes very wrong. These towels are a quarter the size of the normal hand/dish towels. Not only that, the decoration is some sort of plastic that takes up the majority of surface area. Making the towels unable to perform their natural duty: to dry things, such as my hands.
There are some simple solutions that would please me. The easy way is just to have colored towels with nothing on them. That would be plenty festive. If you must have your plastic pictures on there then please, make the towels a little bigger so that its not costing me any drying space.
I’ve never heard anyone else complain about these but I think everyone has secretly been cursing these things and not telling anyone because the idea is preposterous. Who would be upset with such adorable little towels?
November 3, 2006
So, I’m not sure if this is really the type of post we’re going for here, it isn’t necessarily a group discussion, but, it’s something I’ve been wondering about and feel the answer might be interesting to others as well. My question here is, Mike, what is the goal of all of this? Your site, The Daily Email, the Google Group, the Mapper, Frapper, Rapper, Napper (I’m at work and my mind wanders)…this site…All of the nerdy Comp Sci stuff… What is this building up to? Are you just trying to make a forum to keep people connected in this CrAzY world? Or are you trying to build some sort of Mike-Janke-coup-de-Google-cyber-empire? Maybe you just get a kick out of playing around with code and techy stuff (I personally shudder at the thought)?
Curious in Seattle
October 31, 2006
Down in Fort Myers we had 3 football teams tied for first in the division. I was wondering how they would sort this out. It turns out two teams played for 1 quarter last night, and the winner of that quarter played the third team for another quarter. Can you imagine if they did this in college football? Is this better than going to the 5th tiebreaker of points scored/points against, etc…? It is technically being played on the field, but only for a quarter. I haven’t made up my mind about this. I know that Mike could solve this problem write now with his triangular football field idea.
October 29, 2006
Ok, so I guess the fact that I’m employed makes me a somewhat functioning member of society. Still, as my Mom has been so lovingly saying over the past few weeks, “You’re going to be 24 and what have you accomplished?” She says that in her ‘I love you and all but seriously …’ voice. It did get me thinking, what are the accomplishments a 24 year old should have reached by this point in life? Here are the few big ones I came up with.
Graduate College: Check. Its been almost a year and a half now, which is hard to believe. Do I have to go to grad school? I don’t think its a requirement. I’m on the fence about going myself. What I do know is that I’m not going to grad school just to go, I will have a clear goal in mind.
Have a Job: Check. It took a little while to find the job, a little longer to start getting paid, and then a while longer until I was actually given work to do. Its actually more complicated than that sounds, if you can believe it. I actually have a really good job for such a recent graduate. I think my salary is fairly decent, I get 27 paid days off a year (if you count holidays), hours are flexible and I don’t have to work much overtime. The work isn’t stressful and my co-workers are easy to get along with. It could be better: I could have internet at my desk and be allowed to bring in my iPod. Just things I will be aware of if the next job I look for is in the same field.
Move Out: Not yet. I see both sides to this argument. My side … I have a reasonable commute, I get along with my Mom and Step-Dad just fine, and of course its cheaper. Yes, I do pay rent but its not that much considering it includes food and utilities. Paying for a cable package like this on my own would make me go broke within days. Not having to worry about making dinner every night is another huge plus. The other side … To me the most appealing thing your own place is the space. I feel like I’m still living at college, just without a roommate. All my stuff is packed into one room. I don’t have a separate room to put things. I don’t have a living room with a sofa and coffee table. Everything I own is either in my room or stored somewhere else (basement, garage, etc.). I’m not someone who stays out to all hours or does things that my parents will have a problem with causing tension in the house. I’m not planning on moving out just to do it and cross another thing off the checklist. Put this one on the Things to Accomplish by 25 list.
Be in a Relationship/Married: Nada. Sometime in the future a discussion will have to be had on the merits of this being an accomplishment. For my generation this concern likely moves to the list of accomplishments by 30. So I’m not worried about this too much right now.
October 29, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 56:46
Daylight Savings
Borderline Fantastic
Accomplishments by 24
World Series
Live from the Landing in Jacksonville on Friday before Florida-Georgia
Evan gets a girl arrested
College Football
-College Football Weekly Picks
-Heisman Top 3
-NCAA Top 5
Pegasus Wind
College Basketball – Gators #1
October 22, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 47:02
Hair Cut – Sport Clips
Arranged Marriages
Tremendous Upside
Five Tool Prospect
Dual Threats
Evan’s Hollywood Connections
–Jessica Franks
–Kourtney Kang
–Liza Weil
College Football
-Week 9 Picks
-Heisman Top 3
-NCAA Top 5
October 16, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 46:01
Mike goes to Penn State
Tailgate Flags
People who recognize you that you don’t know and have no idea why they felt the need to talk to you.
Extended Family Relationship Terms
-What do you call your brother-in-laws brother or cousin’s cousin?
Sonic Commercials
Small Children in Public Restrooms
MLB Playoffs
College Football
-Last Week’s Picks
-Miami/FIU Fight
-This Week’s Picks
-NCAA Top 5
Vegas Odds for 08 President
Pegasus Wind – 3rd at Champagne Stakes
October 9, 2006
Audio: m4a mp3
Running Time: 43:00
Evan on the Radio
Unhealthy Food
–Gold Star Chili
-Evan’s Apartment Complex Halloween Rules
-Kids Dropped Off in Our Neighborhood
-Mystery Bags
-Different ‘Treats’
MLB Playoffs
College Football
-NCAA Top 5
-Weekly Picks
-Where did the term Red Zone come from?
Evan’s Faculty-Student Football Game