
I’d even get tired of everyone telling me how great I am

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If I worked in an office that had a radio station playing all day, I think I’d want that station to be XPN – UPenn’s ‘Listener Supported’ Station, all sorts of music I’ve never heard. The summer I worked at Weight Watchers they had B101 on all the time. I swear the same songs were played in the same order everyday. For those non-Philly people B101 is adult contemporary. When I went back for Winter Break that year they had switched to Oldies 98, which was awesome.

It scares me to think that people who think they like Fall Out Boy have never listened to Take This To Your Grave. I have timing. Its always good or bad, usually bad. I’ve never had average timing. I think I could go for some average timing or no timing at all.

Off the Books
If I were a reader and didn’t already have a stack of books I want to 
read this would certainly be on the list.

Every morning I start my day at work with a Snack Pack, usually its banana. Recently the tops to the pudding have not been coming off smoothly. I seem to have hit a bad batch. Nearly every day it tears or doesn’t even open. I have to resort to using a spoon and potentially getting banana pudding all over everything. This is quite disappointing after so many months of reliable pudding tops.

What happend to ‘Santa Stop Here’ signs? They came out of no where one year and every single house had one, even ones that didn’t celebrate Christmas. They disappeared as quickly as they came.

The biggest draw back to having my own morning radio show would be having to do meet and greets with fans. I’m sure I’d love the fans but I think I’d get really tired of saying hi and shaking hands. I’d even get tired of everyone telling me how great I am. I mean I’m already tired of that and I don’t even have a radio show.

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