May 30, 2011
Put this on the summer soundtrack.
Don’t lie. It’s fun.
March 21, 2011
Just this week I was wondering if Chiddy Bang was going to be my song of the spring. (It would have been last summer’s song, but Passion Pit took over.) Then the Childish Gambino EP that I got last week popped on to my iPhone.
I’m completely hooked on Freaks and Geeks. Here be the video …
Freaks and Geeks from Donald Glover on Vimeo.
You need a few listens to catch all the genius lines. If you think he looks familiar. It’s Donald Glover. He’s on Community. You should watch Community. Thursday TV is still the best, if you skip Outsourced and whatever that terrible Couples show is.
When I was looking for links to Chiddy Bang and Passion Pit posts, I found that they were my two Summer Soundtrack posts from last year. I named Passion Pit Track 1 almost exactly a year ago. So I guess naming summer tracks is already allowed. So I’ll put Freaks and Geeks as Track 1. Maybe this year there will be more than 3 tracks. Or maybe this will be the only one.
May 30, 2010
My Summer Soundtrack is off to a slow start. I figure there should be a few tracks on it before Memorial Day. Here are two more tracks, bringing my total to three.
This one first caught my attention with a few of the ridiculous lyrics. It hooked me with the MGMT beat.
Will probably settle toward the bottom of the Summer Soundtrack but I have a feeling it will be played a million times.
March 25, 2010
My first entry into the summer soundtrack. Tell me you aren’t hooked right away. I’ll forgive you if you are turned off by the lyrics at first, but I think they’ll grow on you. They still haven’t fully grown on me.