Archive for the Penn State tag


NBC has 1 show I want to watch this fall, plus new podcast and clever PSU students

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NBC’s Fall Schedule (LW) is out today. I’m not sure I care about this too much. The Voice and Sunday Night Football appear to make up half the schedule. There is really only one show I’m at all interested in watching, A to Z. It’s a romsitcom starring The Mother from HIMYM and Rashia Jones is one of the producers. Those facts got me to watch the trailer (LW), which hooked me.

The biggest hole in the NBC schedule is the cancellation of Community (LW), which isn’t too surprising except if they weren’t going to cancel it the past three years, there wasn’t much reason to cancel it this year after it got things back together and had a great season.

The only excitement for NBC comes from their not yet scheduled shows, which include Parks & Rec. Plus, there are two or three interesting new shows, based on who is involved: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (created by Tina Fey), Bad Judge (produced by Will Ferrell), and Mr. Robinson (starring Craig Robinson).

The Gist is a new daily podcast on Slate. Hosted by Mike Pesca, who is also on Hang Up & Listen (the best sports podcast). This one isn’t sports-focused, but more news and general interest. For example, on Thursday topics included the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls, improv rappers attempted to teach Mike how to rap, and a round up of news items related to urine. So yea, topics will vary, but they will all fall into informative or entertaining.

Penn State
Hard to believe that it’s college graduation time, this was graduation weekend at Penn State. That means that finals were last week. Business Insider covered some students who decided finals were worth ’tailgating’ (LW). My only issue is that it appears they actually ‘GameDay’d’ finals with clever signs. So thumbs up to the students, but Business Insider, get your facts straight.

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Danny O’Brien’s Academic Prospectus

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Danny O'Brien's Academic Prospectus – Black Shoe Diaries

1) PSU might be getting a new QB (the coach’s son?) who would clearly be the Bridge to Hackenberg.

2 (and more important)) We have a masters program in Rural Sociology? Can I do another Masters? Actually, I’d prefer Suburban Sociology.


It still feels like he’s around

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JoePa Statue

Saying it is somber on campus, well, that’s a given. We were already spent. We had enough last year and we didn’t want anything else to happen. Now this? We weren’t remotely prepared for this to happen. Most of us aren’t capable of having any feeling anymore, so we don’t know what to do. So we’re just moving forward and we’re going to do everything we can think of to remember and not let anyone forget that Joe was here.

It’s easy to forget he’s even gone. To me, Joe is in everything that is the school. So the fact that the buildings are still standing, means he is still here. The fact that I never met him and never will, sort of means that’s true.

Last spring, I had my chance to meet him. I stopped by campus after school had ended. I came out of the business building and he was sitting on a bench, reading the paper. There was no one around, it was a moment when you realize that absence, and you realize how silent it is. I didn’t say anything, I kept walking. I didn’t want to disturb him. I wish I would have had the chance to meet him, but I’m ok with not saying anything that day.

The symbols are everywhere. The hardest part of the day is the walk back to my car. I park next to the stadium and his picture has been on the north scoreboard for the past few days. You see it once to pass the IM building and I look at it all the way to my car. Across the street, the BJC sign just says, ‘Thanks JoePa’.

On Sunday morning, I had to go to campus, I saw the line of cars at the statue and could see the crowd around it, there is still a line of cars there tonight. Yesterday afternoon, the traffic was backed up to the BJC, it’s never like that. It wasn’t really because everyone was stopping by the statue, but with all the media tents and people slowing down to look, it backed things up. I had another meeting to go to but it had been a hard day and I decided the meeting wasn’t all that important. I dropped my stuff in my car and walked around the stadium. I stopped at the statue. There were maybe fifteen people there. Nobody said anything. People were just looking at the statue, looking at everything that had been left, or taking pictures, some people were just looking at the stadium. I kept walking around. The ground was still covered with snow and in the grass north of the stadium, which is on somewhat of a hill, people had written in the snow, I spotted ‘We Are’ and ‘JoePa’. It’s gone today now that everything has melted.

The only wonder I have is if these are the sorts of things we should have been doing after he was fired. I know everything was happening so fast, and we still had games to play. Plus, everyone employed by the university was probably scared to show any support. Now, I’m sure most of what has been done just was, nobody worried.

I probably won’t make it to the viewing, I’ve seen pictures of the lines. I will try and leave class early and cancel my office hours tomorrow for the send-off through campus. I was able to get a seat at the memorial, so I will be there in the BJC on Thursday. I don’t know what that is going to be like, I don’t imagine it will be easy.

After that, I think it will be just as hard for a while. I’m not sure the mood will change until Blue-White, and I’m very curious what that will be like, it will probably be the first one I attend since my sophomore year.

How do we continue to remember him? Besides the library. Does it become Paterno Stadium? I think Old Main should become Paterno Hall, that’s how important he was to the school. My favorite idea I’ve seen is renaming State College to Joe. So that we can all live in Joe, PA.

The few pictures I took on my walk yesterday are on flickr.


The 1st Penn Staters

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Very cool video about the first students at Penn State. Includes the original Old Main (it was much bigger than I knew) and how it wasn’t finished when school started.

Probably my favorite part is when President Pugh was asked by the students for a summer break. The original school year was Feb – Dec with no breaks. The students just wanted a 2-week break in the summer. Pugh’s primary concern in giving them the break was that they wouldn’t come back. After this the video takes its corny sales-pitch-y turn. I have so many more questions, starting with ‘were things so bad that Pugh knew the school was awful that he was pretty sure they wouldn’t come back?’

Found at