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Daron & Justin

Unbiased Picks – LSU @ Ole Miss

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Daron: Sooooo, Ole Miss – LSU

Justin: OKay

Daron: Ya know, we’re almost done with the season, I have no idea what the hell Ole Miss is

Justin: yeah

Daron: Or I know exactly what it is… a moderately talented team that plays hard at times

Justin: Jevan Snead, you know, less than consistent

Daron: but whatevs

Justin: the running backs continue to be pretty impressive, what with their dismantling of UT, or I suppose their RB-like people

Daron: yeah, McCluster defies position. I hear it’s the same when he has sex.  It’s just an odd jumble of body parts

Justin: heyo!

Daron: Jevan Snead isn’t great, and his line isn’t either

Justin: the consistency of the two losses seems to be a defense

Daron: LSU plays defense, most of the time

Justin: as nobody they’ve beaten stands out in that regard, which is rough. But at the same time, LSU has no offense, hence 24 points against LT

Daron: yeah…the Jarrett Lee… experience?

Justin: turns out, no addition by subtraction here from Scott and Jefferson

Daron: Otherwise known as “Misery”

Justin: Yeah. It’s NAG1. Incidentally, it probably says something about Russell Shepard that he has 250 yards rushing, yet hasn’t thrown a pass. I would fully expect for him to change that this weekend

Daron: You know. I’d agree with you, except that it should have changed about two weeks ago

Justin: saving it for the big game?

Daron: when Mr. Jefferson went down. Dunno…P’raps not really that great a QB? <shudders with blasphemous implications>

Justin: I don’t think he’ll throw more than a few passes. And no, I saw, he was a good recruit. And no recruit has ever been misevaluated

Daron: Truth

Justin: Anyway, at the end of the day, I don’t think that LSU has the offense to win the game

Daron: Really? I don’t think Ole Miss does either. I am so thoroughly unimpressed with the Ole Miss squad at this point. There is a ridiculous amount of talent scattered around that squad. It’s a shame more of it isn’t concentrated on the O-Line

Justin: true. But i think it’s more of a case that its really not going to take a lot of offense to win this game, and I like the options on the Ole Miss side more than Jarrett Lee.

Daron: I can see that

Justin: i think we an NFL game here and Ole Miss wins it 17-10

Daron: ugh. 24-21 LSU. it’s a rivalry game, must be close. that’s how rivalries work

Justin: surely!