Archive for the jankeweb tag


15 Years of

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I only noticed because I had to renew. July 19, 1997, that’s when I first registered That was a while ago. I had sites before on Geocities and on whatever ISP I had that offered me some space. I remember that was taken and I went crazy trying to figure out what to get. I don’t even remember how much domains cost back then. I feel like it was a lot more than now or just that any amount of money was a lot for someone not yet in high school. (This Quora mentions that in 1997 the price dropped to $70 for 2 year. That sounds right to me.)

At various times the site was:
Web Hosting (Reselling, I remember making a little money, I had a random partner that I met online and we moved the host to it’s own domain. I met the kid once, while he was traveling the country to visit colleges, I don’t know what happened to him after that.)
Video Game Reviews (Microsoft used to send me beta and final versions of all their PC games.)
Banner Exchange
And a bunch of other little things, although most of the time it’s been empty.

It’s been my main email address for all of those years. Even when the main domain appeared dormant, I used the sub-domains and directories for my blogs and college sites. That included a site for my high school class where you had a profile and picture. I had thought about expanding that project for any school class. I was too busy with school to pursue that. Facebook came along 3 years later, if only. Eventually I started getting other domains for my bigger projects.

All that reminds me how today isn’t much different. I still am trying a lot of different projects, often at the same time. They just look a little more polished these days. They still have the same success.


That’s how the site looks now. Just a landing point to connect to all my sites and profiles and some of the older things that are still worth visiting from time to time.

If you want to view some of the previous iterations, the Wayback Machine has a few.