
Records in Weekend Series After 11 Weeks

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This past weekend was the 11th of the baseball season. For Baseball Series Picks on Ice Cream Helmet this season I decided to focus on just weekend series (and by I decided I mean Evan suggested the idea and I decided it was worth a shot). I was curious how teams had been doing in their weekend series. Partly out of curiosity, and also to help with future picks.

Picking these series has been more difficult than expected. I had to change the scoring to give more points to correct picks because just doing a net of picks was leading to a lot of negative scoring weekends. This weekend I tied my best yet, going 7-3 for 11 points. I’d done that once before. Evan holds the single weekend high with 12 points back in Week 3. He did so well he must have retired, he hasn’t made picks since.

The following table shows each team’s record in weekend series. I mentioned 11 weekends have passed, but it is possible to have a no decision in a weekend series due to 4 games series or rainouts. The lesson: go with the Dodgers. The Phillies have been bad this year but especially terrible on the weekends. Lucky for them the Padres and Cubs haven’t shown up for many weekend games.

Team Record
Dodgers 9-2
Yankees 8-2
Reds 8-3
Orioles 8-3
Rangers 8-3
Nationals 7-3
Giants 7-3
Braves 6-3
Rays 7-4
Tigers 6-4
Pirates 6-4
Blue Jays 5-4
Royals 5-4
Diamondbacks 6-5
Red Sox 6-5
Mets 6-5
Angels 5-5
Marlins 5-5
Indians 5-6
Mariners 5-6
White Sox 5-6
Cardinals 4-7
Twins 3-6
Rockies 3-8
Brewers 3-8
Astros 3-8
Phillies 2-7
Athletics 2-8
Padres 1-9
Cubs 1-9

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