
College Basketball Tournament Picks on Ice Cream Helmet

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I realize that most posts recently have been about Ice Cream Helmet. That’s because that’s what I’ve spent a lot of my time working on over the past few weeks.

This time I’m announcing College Basketball Tournament Picks for 2008. This marks 1 year since the launch of Ice Cream Helmet since the 2007 Tournament Picks was the very first game.

Similar to last years game. You can make your ICH picks, which count toward your ICH score. Or you can join or create your own group. Custom groups let you set the scoring for each round. As I found last year, everyone has their own preference.

One change from last year is that I got rid of the idea of Default Picks. It seemed they were too confusing. This year you have to make picks for each group you belong to. However, on the page where you make your picks for each group there is the option to copy your picks from another group. I’ve found people like to do different brackets for different groups. This way lets you do that. If you are like me and always use the same ones, its easy to copy from group to group. If you have a suggestion on how to improve this process, just let me know in the comments.

Join the Borderline Fantastic group. Anyone can join, no password needed.

College Basketball Tournament Picks on Ice Cream Helmet

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