May 15, 2012
Do you have those songs that instantly take you back a few years? I assume everybody does. That can get a bit nostalgic. But what about when you hear a new song that takes you back? That’s a lot more fun. This might be cheating. I loved this band years ago and they sound exactly the same.
Everclear. So Much for the Afterglow was the first CD, first anything, I ordered online. I loved the song Everything to Everyone so much I had to pre-order the CD. Some of their albums after I didn’t love as much, but this new song sounds like those old days and the high school me still inside instantly started rocking out.
The album, Invisible Stars, comes out June 26th. I was shocked that it’s their first in 6 years. Although SMftA came out in 97. I had both Volumes of Songs from and American Movie, but not much stuck. I don’t ever remember their two after that.
Found on Spinner
March 13, 2016
February 20, 2016