
Be Careful What You Ask For

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Do you have those songs that instantly take you back a few years? I assume everybody does. That can get a bit nostalgic. But what about when you hear a new song that takes you back? That’s a lot more fun. This might be cheating. I loved this band years ago and they sound exactly the same.

Everclear. So Much for the Afterglow was the first CD, first anything, I ordered online. I loved the song Everything to Everyone so much I had to pre-order the CD. Some of their albums after I didn’t love as much, but this new song sounds like those old days and the high school me still inside instantly started rocking out.

Everclear – Be Careful What You Ask For

The album, Invisible Stars, comes out June 26th. I was shocked that it’s their first in 6 years. Although SMftA came out in 97. I had both Volumes of Songs from and American Movie, but not much stuck. I don’t ever remember their two after that.

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